Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Communication Between Alistair And The Natives

(1) Identify the two characters that provide a form of communication, and how they serve in the context of communication to others an ability to enable communication among many characters. Ada’s daughter,Flora, is Ada’s communication to everyone. Ada is mute and so she can’t really communicate with people in a traditional manner. She carries out Ada’s wishes and acts to protect Ada in her ways although ultimately, her actions led to Alistair’s anger and causing her mother pain. George Baines is the communication between Alistair and the natives. While the natives could speak some very basic English, Baines as a bridge in terms of communication between the natives and Alistair by not only translating for him but also carries out orders to the natives. (2) Describe scenes in support of your two chosen characters, be sure to consider if your choices match the above. Give a reason why you think the two you choose provide communication. When Ada and Flora asked Baines to take them to the beach to get the piano, Ada couldn’t get her point across and convince Baine to take her. Ultimately, Flora was able to not only translated her mother s wishes but also convince Baines to reluctantly take them to the beach. spend the day on the beach with Ada playing music. Baines is then taken by the transformation in Ada when she plays her piano. I chose this because it clearly shows that often time, Ada’s means of communication doesn’t work and that anger would only get her so far. FloraShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Public Outreach1066 Words   |  5 Pagessuccession, and preforming on-site watering and maintenance. During the summer of 2017, I served as the lead for operating a water trailer and distributing water to juvenile restoration plants at the Colgan Creek restoration reach. Since learning about the native, ecological, and historic context of the Colgan Creek restoration reach, I’ve been able to share this knowledge with SAC, SCYEC, other interns and co-workers, and volunteers at every opportunity while cultivating the Colgan Creek restoration areaRead MoreMy Phone Thesis16066 Words   |  65 Pagesgreat loss (including their two ships), when a British frigate, the HMS Lapwing, came to Anguilla’s rescue. Conditions in Anguilla were influenced not only by European conflicts but also by political expediency. In 1825 a legislative union between St Kitts and Anguilla was created when, on the recommendation of the British Government, the St Kitts House of Assembly passed an Act to allow the freeholders in Anguilla to send a representative to the said Assembly. Despite the freeholders’ strongRead MoreThe Rise of Social Media and Its Impact on Mainstream Journalism21031 Words   |  85 Pagesdebate Ten years ago, an influential McKinsey report1 concluded that new technologies were set to increase our capacity to interact by a factor of between two and five. They argued that our enhanced interactive capacity would ‘create new ways to configure businesses, organise companies, and serve customers’. These developments are not just playing out between businesses, they are profoundly impacting almost every sphere of life – with journalism on the front line. In developed societies the adoption

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